I started spring cleaning early this year… well, digital spring cleaning.
I’ve made a goodbye post on my Wordpress blog jcloen.com. The site will still be there until it expires in September but I’ll do all my posting here from now on.
I’ve permanently closed my little online curiosity shop Obskura Kuriosum. I had big plans for it but then life changed dramatically with a new job, years of pandemic and moving house.
I’ve handed over the job as admin for Wetplate Darlings on Instagram to someone I believe to be very capable. I created it several years ago when there were no other pages dedicated to posting wetplate collodion work in a gallery on Instagram but I’ve left it hanging for a couple of years already with the intention of picking it up again without doing so. It was about time to let it go.
It feels good to “tidy” up in these things and I’m looking forward to, what I hope to be, a more creative year than the past few.
Model: Ingvild Eiring